Surrounded By Texans
Peter in the T-34 Mentor, as Red Flight rejoins on their leader. Peter is in position on our right wing, while the Texans are sliding behind and below into position to be on the leader's left br/ Beech T-34A Mentorbr/ N34AX / 168737/8737//737br/ Pilot, Peter Wubr/ GIB, Bill Murraybr/ br/ North American SNJ-5 Texanbr/ N3261G / 602/39br/ Pilot, Steve Maehrbr/ GIB, Jack Taylorbr/ br/ North American T-6G Texanbr/ N6253C / 40/Ebr/ Pilot, Peter Haguebr/ GIB, Rob quot;Blitzquot; Kriegbr/ br/ Photoship:br/ United States Navybr/ North American AT-6D Texanbr/ N796WM / 94br/ Pilot, Jim Kochbr/ br/ To purchase a high quality print or digital download for private use, click the strongcart/strong on the right, above the br/ For commercial use, please email me through my a href="" target="_blank"contact page/a.
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Air Force, Beech T-34A Mentor (45), Bill "Chaos/Stripes" Murray, CAF Capital Wing, Capital Wing, Commemorative Air Force (CAF), Culpeper - Regional (CJR), Felix, Jack Taylor, Jim "Juice" Koch, Locations, Mike "Hogie" Hogan, N3261G / 602/39 (cn 88-18285), N34AX / 168737/8737//737 (cn CG-141 ), N6253C / 40/E (cn 168-47), Navy, North American SNJ-5 Texan, North American T-6G Texan, Peter Hague, Peter Wu, Rob "Blitz" Krieg, Steve Maehr, Trainer, U%dS%d Air Force, U%dS%d Army Air Forces, United States, Units, VFA-31, Virginia, Women Air Force Service Pilot (WASP), aerobatic, airshow, aviation, flying, formation, pilot%d, plane, planes, sky, warbird, warbirds